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13354 Offers
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Butterball Ground Turkey

Firestone, Blue Moon or White Claw

Guinness 4/14.9 or 6/11.2 fl. oz. or Cutwater Spirits or High Noon Hard Seltzer 4/12 fl. oz

Fresh Cut St. Patrick's Floral Bouquets

Bertolli Pasta Sauce

Stater Bros. Lemonade

Dr. Squatch Men's Natural Soap

Cleo & Leo Chicken Wings

USDA Choice Beef Round London Broil or Top Round Steak

Alfaro's Artesano Bakery Bread

Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink


Kraft Mac & Cheese

Mission Tortilla Chips

Ratto Bros. Fresh Chopped Greens

Stater Bros. Chunk Light Tuna

Shasta Soda

Quaker Large Size Cap'n Crunch or Life Cereal

Campbell's Chunky Soup


SunVista Beans

Quaker Instant Oatmeal

Cornershop Cuts Angus Corned Beef or Medium Well Roast Beef

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars

Posada Steak & Cheese Burritos or Chimichangas

Service Deli Angus Corned Beef or Wedge-Cut Turkey or Chicken, Ham or Tuna Salad Sandwich

Ajinomoto Chicken Fried Rice or Vegetable Chow Mein

Land O' Frost Premium Lunch Meat
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